Tanya Chikanza

Tanya Chikanza

Senior Adviser

Tanya has extensive international experience in senior management roles in mining with most recent focus on critical materials. Her expertise lies in finance, reputation management of publicly listed companies, their relationships with financial markets and strategy. She is the former CFO and Board member of Aim listed Bushveld Minerals, and concurrently served as non-executive director on the Board of the UK’s Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB).

Previously Tanya spent nine years at the then dual listed (London and Johannesburg) Lonmin Plc, in a wide range of management roles, latterly as Executive Vice President of Strategy, Investor Relations and Communication. Prior to that she was an Executive Director at Smith’s Corporate Advisory as well as Vice-President Corporate Finance at JPMorgan Cazenove in London. Tanya is a Chartered accountant and member of the Institute of Chartered accountants (Zimbabwe), having started her career at PwC, (then Coopers & Lybrand) in Harare and London.
