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10 things we've learnt from Labour's first 25 days

Election day seems like a lifetime ago yet it is only 25 days since Keir Starmer’s Labour Party claimed victory. With Parliament now in recess what do Labour’s first days tell us about the shape of Keir Starmer’s Government? Here’s ten things we’ve learnt:

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Like and subscribe

As media organisations change their business models, companies who want to communicate digitally need to move their audiences from followers to subscribers.

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Future of search in the age of AI

Google search is heading to a model of interpretation rather than links. This will pose big move for companies and their content in a new age for the battle for visibility.

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10 things we've learnt from Thursday night...

The key takeaways from a difficult night for the Tories and a good, though not perfect, night for Labour. But the real story might lie in the by election.

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When looking to raise money, your story is everything

Raising money as a biotech startup can look daunting in the current environment, but what matters to investors is the story you can tell, and the evidence behind it.

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Pound coin
Goodwill Hunting

Jeremy Hunt yesterday delivered an assured Autumn Statement – his second in the job. It was more Gordon Brown than Kwasi Kwarteng, but it remains likely to be his last.

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Downing Street
Rishi Sunak's Cabinet reshuffle

The PM's Cabinet reshuffle marks a move to the centre ground and a serious attempt to stamp his authority on his Government. But is it too late to stop an election defeat?

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Sea change

Prime Minister Jim Callaghan confided to his aide Bernard Donoughue,‘There are times, perhaps once every 30 years, when there is a sea change in politics'

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Britain's future union jack
Glitter, Growth and Grey Belts

Keir Starmer’s Labour Party had a golden opportunity to hold a successful party conference – and more importantly to confirm their status as favourites to win.

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Long term decisions for a brighter future
Is Rishi on the right track?

After the chaos of last year in Birmingham which heralded the end for Liz Truss, there was an air of trepidation ahead of Conservative Conference in Manchester.

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Mais Reeves Be Ready?

What we can learn from Rachel Reeves’ Mais Lecture and her view of ‘Securonomics’ as the answer to disrupted supply chains, economic imbalances, populism, and energy transition

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The Budget: Rabbit Hunting

Jeremy Hunt, has delivered what we know will be the final Spring Budget before the General Election – though not necessarily his final ‘fiscal event’ if the election is delayed long enough.

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What’s the true value of your drug? It’s about how you communicate it

Advances in cell and gene therapy are a boost to treating rare diseases, but the cost is a dilemma. That’s why communicating the value of your drug is ever more important.

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Decoding AI: The Dangers of Algorithmic Bias

The increasing ubiquity of AI raises questions around accuracy, regulation, data privacy and the radicalisation of content. Understanding the pitfalls will be the key to staying ahead of the curve.

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